Selfie Doubt
Cannot stand my look here. Hair has no style, my neck has become old, what happened? Shit I have become Old. But a Turkey Neck? Damn. I suppose that it is time to now in my career really pay attention to those angles. I have never, ever relied on my overall good looks or what I perceive that to be. I have always just been me, and felt that quirkiness is enough, or better yet, special. Now I find it, uncastable. Also I seem to have a habbit of opening my mouth for pose. I guess I am in the moment, and that is the reaction I would normally have. But all too often, it is my go too, and I don’t think it is attractive. I think of the guys doing it, who are not so attractive, guys in my world, like Bill Camp or Bob Odenkirk. I think they have a world of confidence in their appearance. When I am gong good, I do as well. But lately…not so much. The gym dosn’ really take care of your face, and it is the only thing that counts in this game…